Wallaby Hotel Function Rooms
Thursday 18th August 2022
6.30pm for 7pm Start
Ticket includes 2 course dinner with a mystery local entertainer who's voice will surely bring the house down.
Drinks may be pur
chased separately at the bar. PLEASE BOOK EARLY AS SEATS LIMITED THIS YEAR.
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2022 & Dinner
Be part of the Chamber and hear the successes of the past year and the future plans for 2022/23.
As a financial member, have your input into the running of the Chamber through voting for the Executive Committee or maybe standing for a position and help steer the Chamber in 2022/23.
The Notice
Notice is given that an annual general meeting of the Mudgeeraba Chamber of Commerce is to be held at Wallaby Hotel Function Rooms, 43 Railway Street, Mudgeeraba QLD 4213 on Thursday 18th of August 2022 from 6:30pm.
As set out in the Associations Incorporation Act:
• To receive for adoption the association’s financial statement and associated documents for the period 1 June 2021 to 31 May 2022; • To elect members of the executive committee including President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary; • To appoint, if required, an auditor, accountant or approved person for the year commencing 1 June 2022.
Any person wishing to stand for election must comply with the relevant rules of the association and relevant legislative requirements. A copy of the Chamber’s Constitution and Nomination Form is available on our website at www.mudgeerabachamber.org.
All Nominations must be delivered by Close of Business, 5pm on 4th August 2022 by either mail to The Secretary at the Mudgeeraba Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 899 MUDGEERABA QLD 4213 or by email to secretary@mudgeerabachamber.org