The Chamber of Commerce has been a long standing part of the business community within Mudgeeraba and surrounding suburbs.
The Chamber of Commerce serves to provide, a close knit Mudgeeraba business community with network opportunities, by organising business breakfasts, lunches and evenings, and hosting special events. Previously, the Chamber also organised the annual Street Party, as well as the Mudgeeraba Music Muster.
The Chamber also provides a combined voice, liaising where necessary to promote business in the area with the Gold Coast City Council, State and Federal governments and many other organisations.
If you are already a member, you know the benefits the Chamber brings, and we encourage spreading the word about our great community. It is our aim to create a website filled with useful information, that includes upcoming events, a members directory, and links to help you run a successful business in this wonderful region.
If you are not a member you can apply for membership here and enjoy the benefits and camaraderie that our Chamber can offer you. JOIN HERE
The Chamber also provides a combined voice, liaising where necessary to promote business in the area with the Gold Coast Combined Chamber, the Gold Coast City Council, State and Federal governments and many other organisations. Visit our members directory page.
The benefits of joining the Mudgeeraba Chamber of Commerce are many and include:
Being kept up to date with information in matters that concern small business owners
Network opportunities within the local business community
Your say on issues affecting small business and utilising the lobbying strength of the Chamber
Having your business officially introduced at our Chamber breakfast meeting and presented with a framed membership certificate to display in your business
Use of the Mudgeeraba Chamber of Commerce “Member’s Logo” on business stationery
Listing in the “Mudgeeraba Chamber of Commerce Business Directory”
Free listing on the Mudgeeraba Chamber of Commerce website with links to your website
“Member only” discounts from other Mudgeeraba Chamber of Commerce members
Bi-monthly issues of “Mudgeeraba Chamber of Commerce News” newsletter
Regular electronic news releases and up dates on upcoming activities and information of interest to a small business owner
Regular breakfast meetings with high profile guest speakers, social networking evenings and an open invitation to attend Chamber Committee meetings
Access to invitations from other Chambers and business groups to attend seminars, small business events, information evenings and networking events
Representation through the Mudgeeraba Chamber and the Gold Coast Combined Chamber of Commerce to local Council, State or Federal Governments
Opportunity to advertise in the “Mudgeeraba Chamber of Commerce News” bi-monthly newsletter
Serve on the Mudgeeraba Chamber of Commerce Committee and assist in determining the current operations and future direction of the chamber
Most inexpensive Chamber of Commerce membership fees on the Gold Coast.
Website Promotion For Chamber Members
Our website has created benefits and promotion for the Electorate of Mudgeeraba. It is now ranking on Google and has a solid internet presence.As a member, you can take advantage of an active link to your website, enhancing your own exposure to the search engines. See Members Directory.
The Mudgeeraba Chamber will allow the Mudgeeraba community to get to know your business. Why not let many more people know about your business and what it has to offer? Join our Mudgeeraba Chamber.
Mudgeeraba's History

Historic Mudgeeraba was first settled by Europeans around 1860 and for the greater part of the century that followed it was a sleepy backwater, an ideal place to bring up cattle but a little out of the way for anything else.
Today Mudgeeraba is a thriving, vibrant community, a hinterland suburb of Gold Coast City, a short drive in one direction to the City’s famous beaches and in the other, to rainforests, waterfalls and other delights waiting to be discovered in the v Great Dividing Range.
Mudgeeraba History